
but this, in my opinion, is "reaching" in order to hold to- gether a weakening theory.

It is interesting that only about 1/3 of those reporting felt their problem serious enough to consult a psychiatrist Of these about half underwent some form of treatment (17.8%) but only 8 of these or 5.7% of the total or 15% of those who went to a psychiatrist indicated that they were helped in any way. This is in line with many professional conclusions that cure of TVism by accepted psychiatric means is very difficult. Dr. Kinsey and Dr. Pomeroy in their report on Male Sex Behaviour, showed that about 40% of all American males had some overt homosexual experience, yet our figures show only about 30% admitting to any such experiences. Even allowing for a little dishonesty on this particular question, the num- ber of those claiming NO homosexual experience is very high and tends to confirm the belief of many of us that TVism is a clinical entity in its own right and not to be confused with homosexuality further that it is not explainable on

If it were, there should

the basis of "latent" homosexuality. be at least as high an incidence of such experiences in this group as in the general population. Further support of this contention is shown by the fact that 124 or 88 5% of the cases consider themselves to be heterosexual which is a larger % age than those who claim no homosexual experiences, so that even some of those admitting the experience do not consider them- selves as belonging in that catagory Eleven or 7 8% are listed as bisexual but indicate no homosexual experience which is not reasonable. Probably they thought of themselves as psychically bisexual rather then physiologically so.

A further indication of the heterosexual orientation of TVs in general is the interesting fact that about 70% of them are married, 19% for the second or third time. 36 or 25 7% were divorced, 9 or 6.4% twice. Although 36 out of the 98 marriages (36.8%) ended in divorce, 15 of them or 42% were due to TVism. Of the 98 married TVs, 69 or 70% have children - It is furthermore nice to know that 35 of the 98 wives (36%) were completely acceptant, 27 (27%) were toler- ant...together nearly 2 out of 3 wives went along with TV